Open Source

Hello Pretty Brain ...

Originally, the term "Open Source" was used to describe something, some program, software, code source, SOMETHING that is publicly accessible, and everyone can openly share and modify.

The term was created for software development, to denote a specific way for creating computer programs. I know, I sound like a speaker at a tech conference in Milwaukee, on a cold Sunday afternoon after they just flippin served us mashed potatoes and corn.

Nowadays, Open Source has evolved into a community that embodies collaborative effort, open exchange, and a healthy level of transparency. In open source, the code source is shared, built and modified by anyone who is willing to participate. I mean errrrbooddyy!!

This way, the program evolves as much as the world will let it. Isn't that just freakin beautiful though?!!

Here's a list of exciting open source projects, GET THIS; Android has an open source project that lets people build their own devices.

"Nowadays, Open Source has evolved into a community that embodies collaborative effort, open exchange, and a healthy level of transparency. In open source, the code source is shared, built and modified by anyone who is willing to participate"

The Village Geek

And the list goes on tadada tada-dam. Please feel free to read and love everything open source. Yes I just engulfed you into a cult, queue the lightning, thunder, and the cackling green faced witch holding a giant stick.

"Alright .. okay ..." - Denzel Washington

See you on the next tutorial "mogwera" (Means a friend in my language).

Cape Town, South Africa

Buy me a coffee ? :) Buy me a coffee :)

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